I will start with why I think it is bad that I injured myself this year first then say why I think it is good. So there were really only two things so far that I have come up with for bad reasons. One being, that I will have to be on crutches for a few weeks after my surgery. This will make me unable to do cardio vascular activities after three months of rehab. The other being my summer season, it is m

Now onto the good, I have come up with plenty of good things that I think will make me become better in the end. For my rehab, it will make my knee stronger after and make me have to stretch more then I did before. I am not going to lie I really never did that much of stretching so it will be a good turn around. Another thing with the rehab is that once my knee gets better after surgery I will have to do cardio workouts for my knee. This is to strengthen my knee, but it will also help me get into better shape then I was because I never did much running ever. So in the end I think overall as an athlete it will help me to become better then I ever was.
It is always better to look on the positive side of things when you are hurt because if you don’t you might fall off track. People have always told me I am going to hurt myself with how I throw; I guess it decided to come true. I just think that now I know that my way of throwing had a negative effect, I will have to learn how to throw with my foot in the right place. This is just and obstacle to over come, never give up and never surrender.
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